At one time the hulking mass in the basement that heated the home
with hot air or steam was known as the furnace. Today, a furnace
moves air and a boiler produces steam or hot water.
MRW Mechanical Information Center
Oil fired boilers are constructed of steel or cast iron. Cast
iron boilers are made up of sections, which are large hollow
rings stacked together, like a box of donuts. The water to be
heated is inside the rings, and the burner is mounted to blast
its flame into a firebox(sometimes called a refractory) fitted
into the hollow created within the sections. Steel boilers can
be of the same design or be of stamped steel welded together
to form the sections or water chambers.
Gas burns at a lower temperature than oil, and gas boilers
come in a variety of designs. They can be similar to oil
boilers, but usually put the flame closer to the metal, even
immersing the water tubes in the fire. Some gas burners have a
blast tube, similar to an oil burner, but most use atmospheric
burners. This type of burner uses the pressure of the gas
forced through an orifice to mix with air and create rows or
fire, similar to the burner in a gas oven or grill.
Hot water boilers have many accessories to perform properly.
aquastat serves two purposes. It controls the temperature the boiler
operates at, and provides a low voltage transformer and relay to
control the circulator. More than one circulator requires additional
relays or a multiple control panel. Water pressure is limited by a
valve known as a regulator. A check valve or backflow preventer
stops water from migrating into the domestic supply should the
pressure inside the boiler become greater than the domestic water
pressure. A temperature-pressure relief valve vents the system if
the water pressure or the temperature exceeds the designs of the
boiler. Water expands and contracts as it is heated and cooled,
necessitating an expansion tank.
Since it is impossible to hermetically seal the heating system,
automatic or manual air bleeders must be integrated into the
circulating loop. A circulating pump moves the hot water through the
heat loop. If multiple zones are desired, a circulator is needed for
each loop, or one circulator can be used with zone valves. Zone
valves will open and close with the call from the thermostat, as
well as turn the circulator on. If each zone has its own circulator,
a flow check valve is required to prevent the flow of water by
convection or by another circulator. Domestic hot water can be
produced in two ways. A tankless coil (a coil of copper tubing with
aluminum fins attached) can be immersed into the water jacket to
create allow a heat exchange. A hot water maker is a storage tank
with a coil inside through which hot water from the boiler is
circulated for the heat exchange. Hot water cannot be drawn directly
out of the boiler because it may contain anti-freeze or corrosion
protecting chemicals.
Steam boilers are identical to hot water boilers in construction,
but operate at different water levels. A hot water boiler is filled
with water, and a steam boiler is not. In order to make steam, the
water is kept below the top of the water jacket. A float valve with
a sight glass automatically regulates the water level. Steam moves
through the pipes to the radiators under its own pressure. As the
steam passes though a radiator it cools and condenses into water,
then gravity returns the water to the boiler to repeat the cycle.
Many of the hot water boiler controls are not needed: circulator,
flow check valve, and automatic bleeders.
The most common fuels are oil and gas, but wood and coal can be
used, as well as electricity. Electric boilers differ from the rest
because they do not require a firebox. The electric heating elements
are immersed directly in the water.